Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Homeschooling at Laughing Idiots Academy :-)

 On a regular school day, we have an agenda. So we have school, then breakfast, and other stuff like that, kind of normal, right? But, at LI Academy we have it a bit different.

1.  8:15-8:30 We get up in the morning, put our clothes on, go to the bathroom, brush our hair, brush out teeth, and put on deodorant. 

2.  9:00 -9:30We come downstairs to the school room were we do home school. We get out our binders, and do our morning worksheets, which teach us math, spelling, some times Greek and Latin roots, language, history, geography, and sometimes economics. 

3. 10:00 -10:15 We are done in about an hour, and while Mommy gets ready to come downstairs, we occupy our selves with unloading the dishwasher, making tea and oatmeal, or going outside to play.

4. 10:30-12:00 Mommy is downstairs, and teaching us. Sometimes new math, like adding fractions, or finding the area of a circle, or algebra. Sometimes she gives us STEAM problems to solve, and we learn about the thing we need to build in the meantime, like bridges or arches.  

5. 1:00-2:00 We are in Dad's working office in the attic ( We decked it out into a nice living space, but only most of it is finished.) doing a writing lesson.

6. 2:00- 3:00 Our three year old brother Xander is up from his morning nap, and we have brunch. 

7. 3:00-5:00 We all go outside, or stay in and watch TV. 

8. 5:00-6:00 Dinner is being made.

9. 6:00-7:00 We all eat dinner and have dessert. We have a chat about our day, and every now and then it is no-meat night. We try to do that 2 times a week.

10. 7:00-8:00 It's time to settle down, get ready for bed. Fill up our water cups, put our jamies on, and brush our teeth.

11. It's story time! Lately, we've been reading this nerdy book story called " George's secret key to the universe" written by Steven Hawking and his daughter, Lucy Hawking.

12. Its snuggle time with Mommy! She sings a lullaby, and I turn on my plasma ball annn........ Oh! I'm so sorry, I must've fallen asleep! And go to sleep. 


        Morning STEAM problem! Learning about bridges!                                                                          

 See that book with dolphins? That's my worksheet binder!
 The daily quote!

 PI day!!!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Isaiah 61, Twillins-style (and Noah's Ark, too)

 We spent today learning about technology. Paul taught the Twillins about Audacity, editing and saving audio files, ID3 tags, and MP3 format. He's hiring them to rip a ridonculous amount of records using his digital record player, so that we can have the recordings as digital formats.

Then we laid out, made props for, and filmed both the video and audio (the girls played Ode to Joy and Talis Cannon on recorder) for a contribution to our church's Easter Vigil service. We were assigned Isaiah 61:1-4, 9-11. The text is filled with imagery, so I had an idea to make short videos and pictures and make the movie a slideshow, with recorded music and the Biblical reading behind the visuals. 

The girls ran with it, helping me outline it...

... hunting all over the house for and making props, and filming it. Then we recorded the girls playing the music and then we recorded my reading it. We are really proud of how it turned out!

We hope you enjoy our video for Isaiah 61.

Last year, we created another kind of video to illustrate the Noah's Ark story. It was a LOT of painted rocks! 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Happy pi day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today, when we were in homeschool, we were taught the worst math ever. this is what we learned:

awful, right? the worst thing is, we're fourth graders, and the sheets say that that was sixth grade, not fourth. we had like, two sheets of ONLY THIS. IT WAS HORRID. I don't know how, but somehow I lived through it.

Friday, March 12, 2021

My Magic Ball

If you really thought I had a magic ball, then think again, because it isn't a magic ball, it's a plasma ball, and here is how it works: 

There is a bunch of gasses inside of the glass ball, like xenon, and neon makes a mixture of colors, xenon makes a blue/lavender color of light, and neon makes a red color. So, when you turn it on with a button on one side, it send a small electric wave, making the particles of the gasses collide, creating a light wave and making the inside of the ball light up! You can get some of these for a pretty good price on Amazon and you can get different colors, depending on what particles in each kind of gas are, to create cool light waves to create light! Very nerdy, huh? But soooooooo cool! 

But, there is another cool part about the ball! If you put your hand on the glass, then the line of light will follow your hand, because the electricity in your hand makes it a more attractive place for the light, again, nerdy, but cool. :-)


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pitties can be goofballs

When you see a pitbull on the street, you may be afraid. But what you should know is that pitties aren't that scary. They're really just goofballs, but muscular ones.

 We have had some calls and stuff from other people about Clover, and how we should get a muzzle for him, and that he did something, like once he ripped someones jacket, and another time it was our neighbors pant leg, but we know that the only reason he did that was because he is trying to protect the house, But, he still is a kid, so he is still learning how to protect the house from evil chipmunks, or people in this case.

Also, he likes to run a lot along with bikes and runners, don't let that freak you out, that just means he wants to play and run, so he's not doing anything wrong, just playing. 

He is such a goofball, and is loved dearly by his new family here, and gets a lot of treats too! 

But has a sad story, if you would like to know more, read on. 

He was a stray in Texas, when he was very young, we don't know who owned him, or how he got strayed. But, when he was a very young puppy, he was hit by a car, and had a broken leg for a long time ( but we got him surgery to fix it, now he's strong again!) and had many scars scattered on his muscular body, and a big one right above his eye. He was found and then was rescued by Safe With Us Rescue and we got him there. 

During his time here, he shows no intrest in leash-training, but has in trick-training, for now he knows sit, stay, stand, lay down, belly up, rollover, lap, ( lay on your lap)  shake hands, wave hand, secret ( snorts in your ear, which is one of the strange, but funny noises he makes, like a noise that sounds like hehehe, and cacaca) and dance. ( jump onto your hands and walk on two legs while hold onto my hands) We joke that we could get money off this dog and his tricks!

Also, I got the name Clover while working in the garden and we were talking about names for the dog we might get, and we were weeding, and let me just say now that a clover plant is really hard to pull out of the ground, so I got to a clover plant and I said " Uhg, clover!" But, then I'm like " Oh. Clover!" So that's what happened.

Also, you have to train dogs to be mean, scary fighting dog, so if you give them love and care, they'll respect you forever!
We had a great picnic on our front lawn today in the nice warm weather, it was warm and sunny for the first time in months! 


Tackling the finer points of biographies

For the past week, we've been working on biographies. I'm posting Lillian's and Blair's, unedited, so you can see what a goo...