If you really thought I had a magic ball, then think again, because it isn't a magic ball, it's a plasma ball, and here is how it works:
There is a bunch of gasses inside of the glass ball, like xenon, and neon makes a mixture of colors, xenon makes a blue/lavender color of light, and neon makes a red color. So, when you turn it on with a button on one side, it send a small electric wave, making the particles of the gasses collide, creating a light wave and making the inside of the ball light up! You can get some of these for a pretty good price on Amazon and you can get different colors, depending on what particles in each kind of gas are, to create cool light waves to create light! Very nerdy, huh? But soooooooo cool!
But, there is another cool part about the ball! If you put your hand on the glass, then the line of light will follow your hand, because the electricity in your hand makes it a more attractive place for the light, again, nerdy, but cool. :-)
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